2010 Image Archive

2010 Image Archive

The music track is "Hyper Threading" from the album Ambient Pills Update by Zeropage. The track, and this movie, is released under the CC-BY-3.0 license.► 4:22

The music track is "Hyper Threading"[a] from the album Ambient Pills Update[b] by Zeropage[c]. The track, and this movie, is released under the CC-BY-3.0[d] license.


2010-12-15 01:10

Stockholm, Sweden


Stockholm, Video

Making videos is for me more of a learning experience and a chance to play around with image processing than any actual attempt at producing pro-grade movies. (But you've probably already noticed that.) I've also updated the Video Editing With Blender article based on my experience with making this video.► 3:18

Making videos is for me more of a learning experience and a chance to play around with image processing than any actual attempt at producing pro-grade movies. (But you've probably already noticed that.) I've also updated the Video Editing With Blender article based on my experience with making this video.

The music track is "Breathe"[e] from the album Listen[f] by Tryad[g]. The track, and this movie, is released under the CC-BY-SA-2.5[h] license.


2010-12-03 21:55

Stockholm, Sweden
Stockholm, Sweden
Tyresta National Park
Stockholm, Sweden


Frösunda, Stockholm, Tyresta National Park, Video

A souvenir shop - Joe's Souvenirs - sits in the water tower, about one-third from the south shore.

A souvenir shop - Joe's Souvenirs[j] - sits in the water tower, about one-third from the south shore.


2010-11-21 14:36

Luzern, Switzerland

Kapellbrücke, Switzerland 2010

Music: Garden by Lumin. This movie is released under the Bulgarian version of the CC-BY-NC-SA license. (Take note, the Bulgarian version only allows sharing under the same license, not under any similar license, as the international version does.)► 2:23

Music: Garden[k] by Lumin[l]. This movie is released under the Bulgarian version of the CC-BY-NC-SA[m] license. (Take note, the Bulgarian version only allows sharing under the same license, not under any similar license, as the international version does.)

Tyresta the Movie

Tyresta National Park
Stockholm, Sweden


Tyresta National Park, Video

This is the moon, as seen in a two-minute exposure. One doesn't often think about how bright the moon really is, but consider this: The bright part of the moon is directly lit by the sun, and that is being reflected down to earth. What that means is that we're essentially getting the illumination of the ground during a bright summer day sent to us from the moon. Consequently, while one has to have a shutter speed of several seconds when photographing stars, if you want to photograph the moon and see any details, you should set the shutter to 1/80th of a second.

This is the moon, as seen in a two-minute exposure. One doesn't often think about how bright the moon really is, but consider this: The bright part of the moon is directly lit by the sun, and that is being reflected down to earth. What that means is that we're essentially getting the illumination of the ground during a bright summer day sent to us from the moon. Consequently, while one has to have a shutter speed of several seconds when photographing stars, if you want to photograph the moon and see any details, you should set the shutter to 1/80th of a second.

Tyresta Revisited

2010-10-22 18:47

Tyresta National Park
Stockholm, Sweden

Tyresta National Park

This is the result of a 30 shot stack. The foreground and background were processed separately and merged in the final image.

Ljusterö at Night

2010-10-16 23:32

Pleiades, Jupiter

Ljusterö, Sweden



This is the end of the cave. The first explorers spoke about an underground lake being about 50 meters in length here. The vaguely mushroom-looking rock to the left is a part of the ceiling that has fallen down since, and it is believed that the lake was drained through a crack or other opening that may have opened in connection with that event.

This is the end of the cave. The first explorers spoke about an underground lake being about 50 meters in length here. The vaguely mushroom-looking rock to the left is a part of the ceiling that has fallen down since, and it is believed that the lake was drained through a crack or other opening that may have opened in connection with that event.

Grabovača Caves

2010-09-17 12:29

Perušić, Croatia

Croatia 2010, Grabovača

Ripe plums, used to brew the local plum brandy.

Ripe plums, used to brew the local plum brandy.

The Road to Perušić

2010-09-16 17:26

Perušić, Croatia

Croatia 2010, Perušić

This mushroom proved to be very difficult to photograph. It grew on a tree trunk that streched out over the water, an element cameras and photographers alike tend to avoid without waterproofing. It was also positioned so that when the camera was correctly positioned, it was impossible for me to look through the eyepiece, nor see what was on the camera display, due to the ground being in the way. I ended up using the auto focus to see if the distance was roughly correct, and by gradually adjusting the tripod (which stood with two legs partially submerged in mud and one in water) to get the composition right. Then I switched to manual focus and stepped through all focus distances, hoping that the f/8 aperture would give me enough depth of field for one of the shots to turn out all right. (All that said, when I look at it unsentimentally, it is just a yellow mushroom.)

This mushroom proved to be very difficult to photograph. It grew on a tree trunk that streched out over the water, an element cameras and photographers alike tend to avoid without waterproofing. It was also positioned so that when the camera was correctly positioned, it was impossible for me to look through the eyepiece, nor see what was on the camera display, due to the ground being in the way. I ended up using the auto focus to see if the distance was roughly correct, and by gradually adjusting the tripod (which stood with two legs partially submerged in mud and one in water) to get the composition right. Then I switched to manual focus and stepped through all focus distances, hoping that the f/8 aperture would give me enough depth of field for one of the shots to turn out all right. (All that said, when I look at it unsentimentally, it is just a yellow mushroom.)

Långholmen Macro

2010-09-05 19:00

Stockholm, Sweden

Långholmen, Raynox DCR-250

This panorama was shot using the Raynox DCR-250 that I've reviewed previously. Six component images, of which one was cropped since it included one of the tripod legs. This was the first time I tried to get a panorama really close to the ground, and it proved slightly more difficult than I expected. In the end I had to lie down on the wet, muddy ground with one arm around a tripod leg and the other under the camera. (For those who know, similar to shooting a Carl Gustav recoilless rifle with bipod from a prone position - including the dirt.)

This panorama was shot using the Raynox DCR-250 that I've reviewed previously. Six component images, of which one was cropped since it included one of the tripod legs. This was the first time I tried to get a panorama really close to the ground, and it proved slightly more difficult than I expected. In the end I had to lie down on the wet, muddy ground with one arm around a tripod leg and the other under the camera. (For those who know, similar to shooting a Carl Gustav recoilless rifle[n] with bipod from a prone position - including the dirt.)

Långholmen Macro

2010-09-05 18:42

Stockholm, Sweden

Långholmen, Raynox DCR-250

The second attempt at a panorama. Same equipment as the first. This time the field of view was 64 by 42 degrees, approximately equivalent to a theoretical 18mm macro lens, and made from three separate exposures (left-center-right).

The second attempt at a panorama. Same equipment as the first. This time the field of view was 64 by 42 degrees, approximately equivalent to a theoretical 18mm macro lens, and made from three separate exposures (left-center-right).

Raynox DCR-250

2010-09-02 17:37

City Hall
Stockholm, Sweden

macro, photography, Raynox, review

City Hall, Raynox DCR-250

The first attempt at a panorama using the Raynox DCR-250, Nikon D40, Nikon 18-55mm VR II and Nodal Ninja 3. The field of view is roughly 76 degrees horizontal and 68 degrees vertical, which makes it approximately equivalent to a theoretical 12mm macro lens that is cropped horizontally. For comparison, at 28mm the Nikon 18-55mm covers a 52x36 degree field of view. The boredom of the subject is, for me at least, offset by the excitement of actually being able to create it.

The first attempt at a panorama using the Raynox DCR-250, Nikon D40, Nikon 18-55mm VR II and Nodal Ninja 3. The field of view is roughly 76 degrees horizontal and 68 degrees vertical, which makes it approximately equivalent to a theoretical 12mm macro lens that is cropped horizontally. For comparison, at 28mm the Nikon 18-55mm covers a 52x36 degree field of view. The boredom of the subject is, for me at least, offset by the excitement of actually being able to create it.

Raynox DCR-250

2010-09-02 11:44

City Hall
Stockholm, Sweden

macro, photography, Raynox, review

City Hall, Raynox DCR-250

This is a new development in Husby. A year ago the whole area looked like the part between the two white houses - sand and gravel.

This is a new development in Husby. A year ago the whole area looked like the part between the two white houses - sand and gravel.

Return to Husby Centrum

2010-08-23 17:19

Stockholm, Sweden


The water stairs at the south end of Husby Centrum. Unlike the fountain in Rosengård, this fountain has been foamed a number of times, yet not filled with concrete.

The water stairs at the south end of Husby Centrum. Unlike the fountain in Rosengård, this fountain has been foamed a number of times, yet not filled with concrete.

Return to Husby Centrum

2010-08-23 17:16

Stockholm, Sweden


An overview of the "Small Forest" area. The previous four shots were all taken from the area at the bottom right of this photo. The narrow slit between the trees that the sun shines in through is seen clearly.

An overview of the "Small Forest" area. The previous four shots were all taken from the area at the bottom right of this photo. The narrow slit between the trees that the sun shines in through is seen clearly.

The Small Forest

2010-08-24 18:17

Stockholm, Sweden

macro, photography, tech


Scandinavian Airlines[o] Headquarters against the northern part of Brunnsviken.


2010-08-22 21:08

Scandinavian Airlines Headquarters, E18 Highway, Väsjöbacken Skiing

Stockholm, Sweden



2010-08-22 21:03

E4 Highway, Kista Science Tower

Stockholm, Sweden


You'll have to go to WikiLeaks to find the price of watermelon here.

You'll have to go to WikiLeaks to find the price of watermelon here.

Husby Centrum

2010-08-19 18:01

Husby Centrum
Stockholm, Sweden

Husby Centrum

All Migthy

All Migthy

Should probably be "All Mighty", but left misspelled as search engine transcription.

Jenny 1977-2002

2010-08-19 17:52

Stockholm, Sweden

Husbygårdsskolan, Street Art

In memory of Jenny

In memory of Jenny

Jenny miss U

Art Arnin Sanive (or Sanine)

Jenny 1977-2002

2010-08-19 17:50

Stockholm, Sweden

Husbygårdsskolan, Street Art

Now this is a weird place. There was this shallow well in the middle, surrounded by winged poles, of which one can be seen just above left of center.

Now this is a weird place. There was this shallow well in the middle, surrounded by winged poles, of which one can be seen just above left of center.

Eggeby Gård

2010-08-19 17:04

Eggeby Gård
Stockholm, Sweden

Eggeby Gård

Bridge over the E4 highway near the northern park entrance.

Bridge over the E4 highway near the northern park entrance.

Hagaparken at Night

2010-08-12 23:25

Stockholm, Sweden


The Copper Tents, built in 1787 to house guards and stables. Today they house the park museum, a cafe and a restaurant.

The Copper Tents[p], built in 1787 to house guards and stables. Today they house the park museum, a cafe and a restaurant.

Hagaparken at Night

2010-08-12 23:11

Stockholm, Sweden


Cafe tables near Gemstone and China House.

Cafe tables near Gemstone and China House.

Hagaparken at Night

2010-08-12 22:58

Stockholm, Sweden


The trails near Gemstone and China House.

The trails near Gemstone and China House.

Hagaparken at Night

2010-08-12 22:43

Stockholm, Sweden


The gravel road toward Haga Palace and the Copper Tents.

The gravel road toward Haga Palace and the Copper Tents.

Hagaparken at Night

2010-08-12 22:26

Stockholm, Sweden


View of the southern end of Brunnsviken, looking north.

View of the southern end of Brunnsviken, looking north.

Hagaparken at Night

2010-08-12 22:00

Stockholm, Sweden


There used to be a fountain surrounding this sculpture. But since kids would piss in it and older kids would throw shampoo into it, the water was removed and replaced with cement and cobblestones. Of course it is stupid to vandalise a nice fountain, but high-school kids have been pouring shampoo into the fountain in central Helsingborg every year, and sometimes even more often - yet nobody would suggest we simply turn off the water and plug the holes with concrete there. The fountain in Husby Centrum, Stockholm, has been shampooed a number of times and is in a poor neighborhood, but is still filled with water, not concrete. It appears to be assumed that those living in Rosengård are acting together in a big conspiracy. Thus the fountain in Rosengård was built with the implicit condition that if anyone of the 10,000+ people there should damage it, then we'll take it away from everyone, because the act of the one is assumed to be implicitly sanctioned by all. It is the "if you can't take care of nice things, then you can't have them" line of reasoning, but it can't reasonably be applied here. If the people of Rosengård had the means and the time to guard the fountain 24/7, and we lived in a society where such a demand could be made of people, then we definitely can demand that the fountain not be touched. But they don't, and we don't, and we can't. The end result is that a few people are allowed to leverage Swedish local government against the majority, because if they just do damage to a good thing, like the fountain, then Swedish government steps in and completes the destruction of the good thing for them.

There used to be a fountain surrounding this sculpture. But since kids would piss in it and older kids would throw shampoo into it, the water was removed and replaced with cement and cobblestones. Of course it is stupid to vandalise a nice fountain, but high-school kids have been pouring shampoo into the fountain in central Helsingborg every year, and sometimes even more often - yet nobody would suggest we simply turn off the water and plug the holes with concrete there. The fountain in Husby Centrum, Stockholm, has been shampooed a number of times and is in a poor neighborhood, but is still filled with water, not concrete. It appears to be assumed that those living in Rosengård are acting together in a big conspiracy. Thus the fountain in Rosengård was built with the implicit condition that if anyone of the 10,000+ people there should damage it, then we'll take it away from everyone, because the act of the one is assumed to be implicitly sanctioned by all. It is the "if you can't take care of nice things, then you can't have them" line of reasoning, but it can't reasonably be applied here. If the people of Rosengård had the means and the time to guard the fountain 24/7, and we lived in a society where such a demand could be made of people, then we definitely can demand that the fountain not be touched. But they don't, and we don't, and we can't. The end result is that a few people are allowed to leverage Swedish local government against the majority, because if they just do damage to a good thing, like the fountain, then Swedish government steps in and completes the destruction of the good thing for them.


2010-08-04 14:51

Malmö, Sweden


What about the people? If one is to generalize, the people from the political left view people here as noble savages who just need to be enlightened by Swedish civilization, and the people from the political right view people here through a rifle scope. There's something to be said for both approaches. While there I met and talk with what can be described as the local gang: As soon as they saw me walking around with a camera I was challenged. They thought I was one of those who come to Rosengård to snap a few shots with a very long tele before getting out at Mach 2; I managed to convince them otherwise and we talked through two points:

What about the people? If one is to generalize, the people from the political left view people here as noble savages who just need to be enlightened by Swedish civilization, and the people from the political right view people here through a rifle scope. There's something to be said for both approaches. While there I met and talk with what can be described as the local gang: As soon as they saw me walking around with a camera I was challenged. They thought I was one of those who come to Rosengård to snap a few shots with a very long tele before getting out at Mach 2; I managed to convince them otherwise and we talked through two points:

  1. Most outsiders are people who just come here, treat the place like a zoo, snap a few shots with the "noble savages" / "primitive people" living here and then get the Hell out, never to be seen again.

  2. The renovation of the worst-maintained houses proceeds frustratingly slowly, but is happening.

I have no photo of the people I talked to, because I don't want them to represent Rosengård - they don't. I stated above that they looked like "the local gang" - but they were five people, out of a couple of thousand. The difference between good and bad neighborhoods is in the mix of people. In bad neighborhoods you have more addicts, more anti-social elements, more bad people - but you still have a mix with the same components as in rich neighborhoods where coked up day-traders beat their wives to death with golf trophies. You have the ambitious, the smart, the kind and the just - there's just fewer of them, and they spend their time in better ways than just hanging about. The people I talked to didn't strike me as belonging to any of those categories when I spoke with them, but those qualities do exist in Rosengård.


2010-08-04 14:44

Malmö, Sweden


The tall stone marking the westernmost point of the monument.

Ales Stenar

2010-08-03 17:15

Anna Ek

Ales Stenar
Kåseberga, Sweden

Ales Stenar

The ladybugs had some kind of meetup here - they were everywhere!► 0:08

The ladybugs had some kind of meetup here - they were everywhere!


Kivik, Sweden

Hamnen, Video

I have no idea if it is trying to attack the camera, or just curious.► 1:04

I have no idea if it is trying to attack the camera, or just curious.

Brösarps Backar

Brösarps Backar
Brösarp, Sweden

Brösarps Backar, Video

Another "Happy Fish" - this time an evolved type with arms and legs.

Another "Happy Fish" - this time an evolved type with arms and legs.

Street Art

2010-07-20 14:30

Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona, Barcelona 2010, Street Art

This is the "Happy Fish", designed by artist Pez in 1999.

This is the "Happy Fish"[q], designed by artist Pez[r] in 1999.

Street Art

2010-07-16 21:32

Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona, Barcelona 2010, Street Art

Example of art on the roller shutters of a store. On the right shutter a pair of something that looks like the "Happy Fish" by Pez can be seen making up the eyes of the face.

Example of art on the roller shutters of a store. On the right shutter a pair of something that looks like the "Happy Fish" by Pez can be seen making up the eyes of the face.

Street Art

2010-07-16 20:48

Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona, Barcelona 2010, Street Art

Josep Maria Subirachs, "Monument to Ramon Llull", 1976, based on the "Escala de l'Enteniment" ("Ladder of Knowledge") of Catalan mystic Ramon Llull, 1304.

Josep Maria Subirachs, "Monument to Ramon Llull", 1976, based on the "Escala de l'Enteniment" ("Ladder of Knowledge") of Catalan mystic Ramon Llull, 1304.


2010-07-15 11:34

Santa Maria de Montserrat
Montserrat, Spain

Barcelona 2010, Santa Maria de Montserrat

Music: Stojnele' Stokole by Lumin. This movie is released under the Bulgarian version of the CC-BY-NC-SA license. (Take note, the Bulgarian version only allows sharing under the same license, not under any similar license, as the international version does.)► 1:00

Music: Stojnele' Stokole[s] by Lumin[t]. This movie is released under the Bulgarian version of the CC-BY-NC-SA[u] license. (Take note, the Bulgarian version only allows sharing under the same license, not under any similar license, as the international version does.)

Sunset Over Jezreel Valley

Ahuzat Barak
Ahuzat Barak, Israel


Ahuzat Barak, Israel 2010, Sunset Over Jezreel Valley, Video

The posters in the background are called pashkevil (pl. pashkeviln) and contain statements on how to lead a virtuous life. While some of them are signed by rabbis, most are posted anonymously. They can be seen as components of a public discussion, where readers can cover them up or remove them if they disagree, or simply adhere to them if they agree. They are also a way of trash-talking others anonymously as partof internal power struggles in the community, although such use is against the Torah.

The posters in the background are called pashkevil[v] (pl. pashkeviln) and contain statements on how to lead a virtuous life. While some of them are signed by rabbis, most are posted anonymously. They can be seen as components of a public discussion, where readers can cover them up or remove them if they disagree, or simply adhere to them if they agree. They are also a way of trash-talking others anonymously as partof internal power struggles in the community, although such use is against the Torah.

Mea Shearim

2010-07-05 17:56

Mea Shearim
Jerusalem, Israel

Israel 2010, Mea Shearim

I have no idea how this one came to be called "Swedish". The best I could come up with was a theory that Selma Lagerlöf's "Jerusalem", a pair of novels about Swedish migration to that same city, had some truth in them and that this was one of the footprints left. But according to any source that I could find, the Swedes that did emigrate ended up joining the American Colony here and were absorbed. Either way, I haven't found any connection.

I have no idea how this one came to be called "Swedish". The best I could come up with was a theory that Selma Lagerlöf's "Jerusalem", a pair of novels about Swedish migration to that same city, had some truth in them and that this was one of the footprints left. But according to any source that I could find, the Swedes that did emigrate ended up joining the American Colony here and were absorbed. Either way, I haven't found any connection.

Old City Shops

2010-07-05 16:17

David Street
Jerusalem, Israel

David Street, Israel 2010

The graffiti reads Am Israel Hay, or "Long Live Israel!" (lit. "The people of Israel live!")

The graffiti reads Am Israel Hay[w], or "Long Live Israel!" (lit. "The people of Israel live!")

Tel Aviv Harbor

2010-07-02 15:46

Tel Aviv Harbor
Tel Aviv, Israel

Israel 2010, Tel Aviv Harbor

Centurion tank of the 679th. The tanks were scheduled to undergo a modernization program over a three-year period when hostilities broke out. Despite this, the 679th was considered a "good" brigade - slightly inferior to the 188th "Barak" Brigade (which was the main brigade covering this area) in terms of equipment, but still suitable for front-line duty.

Centurion tank of the 679th. The tanks were scheduled to undergo a modernization program over a three-year period when hostilities broke out. Despite this, the 679th was considered a "good" brigade - slightly inferior to the 188th "Barak" Brigade (which was the main brigade covering this area) in terms of equipment, but still suitable for front-line duty.

Other brigades were much worse off: The 70th, for example, looked like a historical re-enactment club, with their old-style "football" helmets instead of the new plastic ones.

679th Reserve Armored Brigade Memorial

2010-07-01 14:59

Shifon Junction
Golan Heights, Israel

Israel 2010, Shifon Junction

Close up-view of the village of Yaroun, sometimes used as launch site.

Close up-view of the village of Yaroun, sometimes used as launch site.


2010-07-01 10:33

Observation Point
Bar'am, Israel

Israel 2010, Observation Point

View of Hezbollah positions just north of the Israel-Lebanon border.

View of Hezbollah positions just north of the Israel-Lebanon border.


2010-07-01 10:27

Observation Point
Bar'am, Israel

Israel 2010, Observation Point

The houses of Ahuzat Barak, seen from the north. In the foreground is a new set of houses being built along the northernmost street.

The houses of Ahuzat Barak, seen from the north. In the foreground is a new set of houses being built along the northernmost street.

Ahuzat Barak, Israel

2010-07-04 18:55

Ahuzat Barak
Ahuzat Barak, Israel

Ahuzat Barak, Israel 2010

"Caroline & Axel.H 24/4-09 för alltid" / "Caroline & Axel H. April 24th, 2009, for ever"

"Caroline & Axel.H 24/4-09 för alltid" / "Caroline & Axel H. April 24th, 2009, for ever"

A love padlock[x].


2010-06-28 01:46

Stockholm, Sweden


"du och jag, för evigt" / "You and I, for ever"

"du och jag, för evigt" / "You and I, for ever"

A love padlock[y].


2010-06-28 01:45

Stockholm, Sweden


Day 4: Touch-ups & done!

Day 4: Touch-ups & done!

Paint it White

2010-03-03 13:16

Vattugatan 15
Stockholm, Sweden

Vattugatan 15

Day 3: Two layers of paint later.

Day 3: Two layers of paint later.

Paint it White

2010-03-03 03:10

Vattugatan 15
Stockholm, Sweden

Vattugatan 15

Day 3: Done sandpapering. This is where a lot of the dust went. I wonder if the spackling paste isn't mixed with Bolivian marching powder, because by you just keep going like a sandpaper robot...

Day 3: Done sandpapering. This is where a lot of the dust went. I wonder if the spackling paste isn't mixed with Bolivian marching powder, because by you just keep going like a sandpaper robot...

Hey, there's a concept!

Paint it White

2010-03-02 21:06

Vattugatan 15
Stockholm, Sweden

Vattugatan 15

Day 3: Spackling paste, being sandpapered.

Day 3: Spackling paste, being sandpapered.

Paint it White

2010-03-02 20:42

Vattugatan 15
Stockholm, Sweden

Vattugatan 15

Day 3: Preparing the office. The wallpaper had to be cut and covered with spackling paste, which is drying here.

Day 3: Preparing the office. The wallpaper had to be cut and covered with spackling paste, which is drying here.

Paint it White

2010-03-02 16:29

Vattugatan 15
Stockholm, Sweden

Vattugatan 15

Day 3: Kitchen done!

Day 3: Kitchen done!

Paint it White

2010-03-02 11:31

Vattugatan 15
Stockholm, Sweden

Vattugatan 15

Day 3: Hallway done!

Day 3: Hallway done!

Paint it White

2010-03-02 11:31

Vattugatan 15
Stockholm, Sweden

Vattugatan 15

Day 3: Living room done!

Day 3: Living room done!

Paint it White

2010-03-02 11:31

Vattugatan 15
Stockholm, Sweden

Vattugatan 15

Day 2: Rolled the hallway with the first coat of paint.

Day 2: Rolled the hallway with the first coat of paint.

Paint it White

2010-03-01 15:23

Vattugatan 15
Stockholm, Sweden

Vattugatan 15

Day 2: Painted the edges & switches.

Day 2: Painted the edges & switches.

Paint it White

2010-03-01 15:22

Vattugatan 15
Stockholm, Sweden

Vattugatan 15

Day 2: Preparing the living room.

Day 2: Preparing the living room.

Paint it White

2010-03-01 08:30

Vattugatan 15
Stockholm, Sweden

Vattugatan 15

Day 1: Preparing the hallway and switches, electrical outlets, etc...

Day 1: Preparing the hallway and switches, electrical outlets, etc...

Paint it White

2010-02-28 13:39

Vattugatan 15
Stockholm, Sweden

Vattugatan 15

A flower pot outside City Hall.

A flower pot outside City Hall.

Stockholm Ice Age

2010-02-21 13:38

City Hall
Stockholm, Sweden

City Hall

Survived the first descent!

Romme Alpin

2010-02-07 12:39

Leo Sutic

Romme Alpin
Borlänge, Sweden

Romme Alpin

Getting ready for the day's first slope.

Romme Alpin

2010-02-07 10:46

Jörgen Lönngren

Romme Alpin
Borlänge, Sweden

Romme Alpin

Music: Ambiphonic by Zeropage. The music, and this movie, is released under the CC-BY license.► 0:50

Music: Ambiphonic[af] by Zeropage[ag]. The music, and this movie, is released under the CC-BY[ah] license.

The timelapse was made from 5707 photos, shot over 1h38m, totalling 2.25GB. From those, a lossless h264 timelapse was created, which, encoded as a 1080p AVI takes up 924MB. After brightening, adding music etc, the final cut of the movie is 869MB of lossless h264.

Nightfall from Monteliusvägen 2

Stockholm, Sweden



Monteliusvägen, Video

Christ the Pantocrator ("the almighty"), surrounded by words from Revelation 1:8 in Greek.

Christ the Pantocrator[al] ("the almighty"), surrounded by words from Revelation 1:8 in Greek.

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

Revelation 1:8[am]

Saint Photios

2010-01-03 12:45

Saint Photios Greek Orthodox National Shrine
Saint Augustine, Florida

Florida 2009, Saint Photios Greek Orthodox National Shrine