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Originally this was intended to have a slow, industrial music track and consist of slow-motion city scenes. But then I found the track "Hyper Threading"[a] by Zeropage[b] and I realized that everything gets more interesting when it goes 20 times faster. A vestige of the original idea remains in the very first clip - the one of a light with a spiral staircase.

The biggest differences between this video and the previous ones was the amount of footage required and the preprocessing time. I started with 17 GB of AVCHD Lite, and then spent 40 hours stabilizing and preprocessing it to 3 GB of timelapse videos. Since I wasn't really interested in the original (non-timelapsed) footage, I added a step to the workflow. Instead of just converting the AVCHD/MPEG files to AVCHD/AVI, I also did the stabilization and timelapse here. This meant that this "ingestion" step took a lot longer than usual, but in return I only had to store one-sixth of the data. A note here: I didn't throw away the original files until I had finished the movie. A good thing, because in the next-to-last render of the full movie I realized I had preprocessed a clip the wrong way.

For the clips where I walk from one point to another I used the tripod to keep the camera somewhat stable, and then applied the algorithm described in my article about Moving Shot Stabilization. I'll post a short tutorial about that later.

► 4:22

The music track is "Hyper Threading"[c] from the album Ambient Pills Update[d] by Zeropage[e]. The track, and this movie, is released under the CC-BY-3.0[f] license.

2010-12-15 01:10


Stockholm, Video


  • : Upgraded video quality.

2010-12-15, updated 2022-12-09