The final additions to the bike as of now are two bags that hook on to the rear carrier[a] and that I use when shopping groceries or having to transport other heavy things.
These past few months of regular biking have both re-ignited my joy of biking and taught me a lot about how customizable a bike is.
Looking forward to another sixteen years!
2020-08-16 21:18

For this shot I wanted a kind of bright dreamlike look. Setting the lens to 2.8 gave me the shallow depth of field I wanted. Getting snow to the edge of the frame was another matter. I had to run back and forth for a couple of minutes, scooping up the half-inch snow and putting it so that the background would be a nice blurry white.
2014-12-28 23:38

Rrriotsambistas[b] from Rrriotsamba[c], a feminist music association served up some samba and samba funk.
2013-04-30 20:34

This is a relatively new development, thus the industrial look with no greenery, no nothing. These houses used to be connected with a long corridor called "gula gången" ("the yellow corridor"), running about where I stood taking this photo. I don't know about later years, but way back in '86 or so the corridor was one of the "bad places" you just stayed away from. I'm not surprised tearing it down was one of the top items on the list of things to do in order to improve Husby.
2009-01-05 14:54