The end of the track, looking back from the edge of Långjökelgatan. Here's a panorama from the same spot from 2012.
2014-07-13 23:05

The highest point on the track, just as it would turn left and descend to the goal line. Just at the start of the patio, you can see a small path leading up to the right. That is not part of the jogging track, but used to be a much smaller path. This is what the view looked like before the houses were built.
2014-07-13 23:23

I don't know what this is - perhaps an old obstacle course by Folk och Försvar[a] (FoF)?
Little Jogging Track (Lilla Slingan)
2012-06-03 19:05

The hill contains a subterranean sand silo used for road maintenance. I'm assuming that this hole was used to dump sand into the silo.
Little Jogging Track (Lilla Slingan)
2012-06-08 20:18

View from the top. The smoke stack of Akalla heating plant can be seen to the left of the sun.
Little Jogging Track (Lilla Slingan)
2012-06-08 20:53

Curt Cobain Rest in Peace
, graffiti on the back of the tunnel opening.
Little Jogging Track (Lilla Slingan)
2012-06-08 21:10

Sunset on top of the hill. The new road can be seen to the right in the image.
Little Jogging Track (Lilla Slingan)
2012-06-08 21:28

Updated 2017-08-23: All panoramas, in a click-able, navigable, tour!
Little Jogging Track (Lilla Slingan)
2012-06-04 11:55

This photo was taken approximately where the start of the track used to be, facing in the direction you'd run. The red brick building to the right is IBM's headquarters, which gave this area the nickname "The IBM-forest".
Little Jogging Track (Lilla Slingan)
2012-06-20 21:01

This is a small surviving part near Lagtingsgatan - and the only part that I thought was left on this side of the road. If you look ahead, down the slope, you can see the road cutting across the track.
Little Jogging Track (Lilla Slingan)
2012-06-04 12:54

Here we have crossed Lagtingsgatan. If you look back across the road, you can see a small yellow sign near a birch tree. That's where the previous section of the track ended.
Little Jogging Track (Lilla Slingan)
2012-06-04 13:27

This is where the track turns around and makes its way back up over Töjnanberget and back to the start point. Every time I ran the track, I would think of this as the half way point - and I'd be wrong every time. In reality, there's about 2/3rds left.
Little Jogging Track (Lilla Slingan)
2012-06-04 13:31

This is the lowest part of the track, 35m above sea level.
Little Jogging Track (Lilla Slingan)
2012-06-04 13:39

This is the second point where the track has been cut off by the new road.
Little Jogging Track (Lilla Slingan)
2012-06-04 13:40

This section is remembered by me for not being remembered. Every time I'd run the track, I'd be surprised that this part was so much longer than I remembered. I would typically expect the goal to come up about now, and be equally disappointed every time.
Little Jogging Track (Lilla Slingan)
2012-06-20 21:08

The sign on the tree says "Forbidden Entry" - strangely enough, it only applies to entering the track from this direction - there were no signs on the other end of this segment.
Little Jogging Track (Lilla Slingan)
2012-06-04 13:01

The track used to go where closest lane of the road is now. This part had a "workout station" consisting of three logs that one could lift.
Little Jogging Track (Lilla Slingan)
2012-06-04 13:04

Here the newest road cuts across the track. The big rock that is in the middle of the track a little bit back wasn't put there by the construction, but had slid down prior to this.
Little Jogging Track (Lilla Slingan)
2012-06-04 13:05

The other side of the newest road.
Little Jogging Track (Lilla Slingan)
2012-06-04 20:44

The sign that you can see hanging up ahead is another "Forbidden Entry" sign; and as with the previous one, it appears to only apply to people going the other way.
Little Jogging Track (Lilla Slingan)
2012-06-04 12:09

This is one of the most beautiful spots on the track. Not only does the forst open up a bit so you get a clear sky, when you passed this you knew that the goal was right up ahead. For real, this time.
Little Jogging Track (Lilla Slingan)
2012-06-04 11:55

This the highest spot on the track, 52m above sea level
Little Jogging Track (Lilla Slingan)
2012-06-04 11:37

This was the final slope coming down to the goal, which was a little bit beyond where the track currently ends.
Little Jogging Track (Lilla Slingan)
2012-06-04 12:47
http://www.folkochforsvar.se/index.php/english.html |