Track Remains
Two years and some development later I decided to return to the site of the little jogging track. I had two goals in mind:
See if I could get a shot from the same spot as I did in 2012.
See if there was anything left of the track. Last time I wrote about the little jogging track I mentioned that it looked as if there would be parts of the track left.
During a bike trip up to Översjön I stopped by Kistahöjden[a] just as Germany was winning the 2014 World Cup[b]. The part of the track that went through the new development had been replaced by a (admittedly track-like) dirt berm, that started at the path connecting Heklagatan and Västfjordsgatan went and went all the way from the Långjökelgatan.
The end of the track, looking back from the edge of Långjökelgatan. Here's a panorama from the same spot from 2012.
2014-07-13 23:05
The highest point on the track, just as it would turn left and descend to the goal line. Just at the start of the patio, you can see a small path leading up to the right. That is not part of the jogging track, but used to be a much smaller path. This is what the view looked like before the houses were built.
2014-07-13 23:23
Finally, here's a rollover with the view from the same spot during summer, winter, just after it was cleared for development and what it looks like now.