Eldfesten / Chaharshanbe Suri 2014
Just like last year, this year's Chaharshanbe Suri[a] ended up with lots of snow. It's as if the weather gods suddenly realized that spring is upon us and they have this big pile of unused snow that they have to get out the door.
Chaharshanbe Suri, or Eldfesten as it is called here in Stockholm, is the day before the Persian New Year. One celebrates the coming of the spring by jumping over fires and generally having a good time.
Last year was the first time I went, and this time I wanted something extra. So with my monopod for less I set out to film Parvaz Dance Ensemble[b] when they performed. I also did a Swedish article for Orientalista: Årets eldfest byter vinterbleka ansikten mot friskare färger[c]. Most of all, however, I did what the traditional chant to the fire describes - zardi-ye man az toh, sorkhi-ye toh az man
, give me your red for my pale
, and just enjoyed the party.
Here's Parvaz Dance Ensemble[d]:
Parvaz Dance Ensemble[e], again, this time with a ghasem abady, a folk dance from Iran:
The filming went well, and I got a chance to try out my Sigma 50-150/2.8 on stills as well.

Mahan Moin getting a hug by the Hajji Firuz[f].
2014-03-18 18:01
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaharshanbe_Suri | |
http://parvazdance.com/ | |
http://www.orientalista.se/blogg/arets-eldfest-byter-vinterbleka-ansikten-mot-friskare-farger | |
http://parvazdance.com/ | |
http://parvazdance.com/ | |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hajji_Firuz | |
http://parvazdance.com/ | |
http://parvazdance.com/ |