Balance Bike
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Balance Bike

Kid wants a balance bike. No wait. Dad wants kid to want a balance bike. So I'm - I mean - she's getting one.

It was by way of Berm Peak that I found out that training wheels are out and balance bikes are in[a]. I found a Specialized Hotwalk[b] for only 300 SEK ($28), and it was obvious that it had been used and loved. It was rusty and worn, with the wheels going tickticktick when you tried to spin them.

Fortunately, I had seen enough Flip Bike[c] to be confident that I could fix it.

The rust was removed with a toothbrush and soda. You just scrub it. Then the wheels - I removed the bearings, cleaned them, greased it all up and put it back together. The reason the wheels didn't spin was because of over-tightened cone nuts, so that was a simple fix.

Finally I took out the headset, cleaned and re-packed the bearings. A pair of new grips was the final touch. Well, final... until I decide to splurge $40 on printing new decals that I've redrawn in Inkscape[d].

2024-03-09 18:44

Vattugatan 15

2024-03-09 18:46

Vattugatan 15

2024-03-09 18:46

Vattugatan 15

2024-03-09 18:47

Vattugatan 15

2024-03-11 20:49

Vattugatan 15

2024-03-12 15:06

Vattugatan 15

2024-03-12 15:06

Vattugatan 15