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Rågsved may not look like much, being a somewhat nondescript suburb one stop away from the southern terminus of subway line 19, but it was the center of the Swedish punk rock scene in the late 1970's. Rågsved spawned Sweden's most influential punk rock band, Ebba Grön[a], whose Staten och Kapitalet (The Government and the Capital[ists]), despite being a cover, became a huge hit and their most well-known track.

Side by side, together they help each other
the government and the capital, they sit in the same boat
but it's not they who row, who row so the sweat runs
and the whip that tickles, doesn't tickle
their fat necks.

Sida vid sida, tillsammans hjälps dom åt
staten och kapitalet, dom sitter i samma båt
fast det är inte dom som ror, som ror så svetten lackar
och piskan som kittlar, kittlar inte heller
deras feta nackar.

In more recent times, we have Thomas Rusiak[b], here covering Punkrocker: