Battery Spencer
Support Ukraine

Battery Spencer

On the peninsula that anchors the north end of the Golden Gate bridge is point Spencer, home of what's left of Battery Spencer[a], a part of Fort Baker. This battery used to mount 12 inch guns, and the emplacements can be seen in a previous blog entry. These photos were taken 2008-09-03, but it isn't until now that I've gotten around to making anything interesting out of them.

2008-09-03 07:16

Battery Spencer, USA 2008

View from the battery commander's station. The stench in here was terrible. Many of the abandoned buildings of Fort Baker have found new uses as shelters and toilets.

2008-09-03 07:06

Battery Spencer, USA 2008

2008-09-03 07:09

Battery Spencer, USA 2008

2008-09-03 07:19

Battery Spencer, USA 2008