Family Radio, for stressing a sectlike exact adherence to... what? Like the Bible didn't need interpretation.
Most Disturbing (2)
KEGL The Eagle (Dallas) for having commercials for: Debt relief[b], auto repair, beer, herbal aphrodisiacs and strip clubs and not much else. I don't know what it means when you listen to a station where such ads apparently work on the listeners - and like it.
1926 (4.15 GB)
Worst Hotel
Motel 6, Stockton I-5 exit Benjamin Holt Dr. Any hotel with young latinos in matching clothes sitting on the stairs waiting for... something... is a hotel I don't recommend.
Best Pizza
Pizza Guys[c], Stockton I-5 exit Benjamin Holt Dr right opposite Motel 6. Maybe the latinos above were waiting for pizza? It sure was worth waiting for.