Hahvahd Aftah Dahk
Listen Up: Just Say 'Ah'[a], because as we all know:
John Winthrop[b] dropped the R into the Hahbah one day on his way to the State House and we didn't find it until the Big Dig[c].
For a reference on this subject, please see the Wicked Good Guide to Boston English[d].
The wealthiest university in the world, part of the Ivy League[e] and comes with a never[f]-ending[g] intra-league[h] rivalry[i], Harvard University is situated in Cambridge, which is more-or-less a part of Boston.
Physically getting there is easy - just take the red line to Harvard and exit Harvard Square. You'll end up just outside the southwest corner of Hardvard.
The statue of John Harvard, commemorating his founding of the university in 1638. Actually, that sentence has three lies in it:
John Harvard didn't found the university, he just donated so much to it that it was named after him a couple of years after is was founded.
The university was founded in 1636.
The person depicted isn't John Harvard - nobody knows what he looked like. Somebody else sat as model.
Aftah Dahk
The Charles River.
Christian Science Plaza.
http://www.boston.com/travel/boston/articles/2004/07/25/listen_up_just_say_ah/ | |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Winthrop | |
http://www.massturnpike.com/bigdig/index.html | |
http://www.boston-online.com/glossary.html | |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivy_League | |
http://www.yaledailynews.com/article.asp?AID=8739 | |
http://www.harvardindependent.com/ViewArticle.aspx?ArticleID=7803 | |
http://www.harvardsucks.org/ | |
http://www.googlefight.com/index.php?lang=en_GB&word1=harvard&word2=yale |