#NotYourShield is irrelevant. All movements love those who agree and submit. #GamerGate hates:
who refuse to get in line.
(Funny thing is, just minutes after tweeting that[a], a GamerGater came up and offered proof of the statement's correctness.)
The only question I have for any 'gater reading this is: If you are not about hate, when will Anita Sarkeesian[b], Zoe Quinn[c] and Brianna Wu[d] be able to return to a normal life free from the hate storm that you send their way now?
What we've seen is a disgrace for the whole IT industry[e]. I can't emphasize that enough. While the three I mention above have borne the brunt of the hate, ultimately for me this is about what kind of industry I want for myself - and as I said, an industry hostile to half of the world's population isn't really friendly to anyone. As Cliff Bleszinski[f] wrote way back in March 2013: We're not supposed to be a mob that's storming the gates with our pitchforks and torches. We're not the bullies. And that's what happened to Anita.
[*][g] Luckily, Anita has managed to not just remain unbroken (a feat in itself), but also to rise up and become a speaker on the topic of feminism in gaming[h] and - by extension - the IT industry.

https://twitter.com/leosutic/status/573801738454573056 | |
http://www.feministfrequency.com/ | |
http://www.quinnspiracy.com/ | |
http://www.bustle.com/articles/63466-im-brianna-wu-and-im-risking-my-life-standing-up-to-gamergate | |
http://news.yahoo.com/video-game-makers-grapple-diversity-054056312.html | |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cliff_Bleszinski | |
http://dudehugespeaks.tumblr.com/post/45150472512/anonymous-internet-boy-taliban-tropes | |
http://www.pcauthority.com.au/News/400819,see-anita-sarkeesian-in-melbourne-next-month.aspx |