label:gamergate (1 - 6 of 6)

label:gamergate (1 - 6 of 6)

Anita Sarkeesian is Awesome

...or, why the tech industry in general and the gaming industry in particular need an outside perspective.

2014-09-28 - #feminism - #gamergate - #tech


"Hate destroys the very structure of the personality of the hater."

2015-02-13 - #feminism - #gamergate

Not a Shield

#NotYourShield is irrelevant. All movements love those who agree and submit. #GamerGate hates (1) women who (2) refuse to get in line.

2015-03-06 - #feminism - #gamergate

Save the World and Lose Yourself

Games have fostered a destructive culture of entitlement by making their main promise the delivery of repeated ego boosts and the indulging of the player in a power fantasy.

2015-03-15 - #GamerGate

The Legacy of GamerGate

"Why do we need diversity in tech? Because of GamerGate. Why do need to fix online harassment? Because of GamerGate. Why is feminism so important? Because: GamerGate."

2015-08-18 - #feminism - #gamergate

GamerGate and Nazism

Those who align themselves with the GamerGate movement should ask themselves how their movement act. They should also ask themselves what company they keep.

2015-08-25 - #gamergate