Blood money spends just as easily.
In Zelda, we met the heroine. In Zelda - The Struggle Continues, she battles on through art school to find her nemesis, and off to South-East Asia in a quest to find herself.

Zelda vs. Patriarkatet
Lina Neidestam
ISBN: 9789175150277
Kartago Förlag, 2013
Blood money spends just as easily in the third installment. I can only conclude that Lina Neidestam has parked herself at the top of the ratings scale. The previous Zelda was great, and this one continues at the level established by its predecessor. (5/5)
In the third installment, Zelda Versus the Patriarchy, the struggle gets up close and personal. Will she hang on to her basement flat or end up on the street? Will she finally get paid at her job? What is she going to do with her new boyfriend, Cesar?
I can only conclude that Lina Neidestam has parked herself at the top of the ratings scale. The previous Zelda was great, and this one continues at the level established by its predecessor. The character herself has grown into more than what she was in the previous books, and the sympathy I feel for her likewise. She's still a raging, alcoholic, self-destructive, self-hating, self-absorbed, irresponsible, manipulative, fat, hairy feminist, and that is all well and good - but when she snaps, she is brilliant.
The story is also less of a comedy than before. For those reading this who have never tried to find a place to live in Stockholm, I must add that the real estate market in Stockholm is more or less exactly as described in the book. That much is documentary.