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Autumn Colors at Uggleviken

I like winter - the frigid desolation has something majestic to it. I like spring - the return of life and light. I like summer - everything in full bloom and bright warm nights. But if I were to pick a favorite it's autumn - one gigantic show of color as the summer warmth ebbs out.


Vapor Trails

Flights going to and from Arlanda, seen from the ground.


Årstaviken Sunset

Biking back from Casa Amico a summer evening.


Many Starlings and a Single Crane

The crane is the bigger bird, though.


Petits Oiseaux chez Petite France

A popular place for little birds to hang out. I bet they get more pastry then the average guest, over a day.


Casa Amico

The world had 1290 days without a replacement for Hos Frank, but then it finally appeared. Different place. Different name. But same guy. Still a jewel. Same food.



Morning Bike Ride

Early mornings are my favorite time for photography - the results are almost always awesome, but it sure takes some will to get out there instead of staying in bed.


Rose in a Vase

A table decoration. Experiment with hard light.


The Re-Meandering of Igelbäcken

The once straight stream is being restored to its natural bendy shape.


Even More Transformers of Gabrovo

...and even more. One that I photographed back in 2021 and forgot!


Gabrovo Falls

Experiments in freezing and not freezing water motion.


The Dogs of Gabrovo

They're a lot more shy that the cats, but also a lot more chill. While the cats were always up to something, the dogs mostly just take it easy in the shade.


Beer Arrow

When the Beer Gods close a tap they open a bottle. I was pretty bummed that Grasshopper had closed, but a Google search revealed that there was another pub just a short walk away. We went there and what do you know - Gabrovo may not be big, but it's big enough to have a craft beer shop. And it's a jewel.


Paw Print

I don't know if it's a dog or a cat, but putting that print in the asphalt it sure was a beast.


Gabrovo Carnival 2024

Musicians, aliens, cartoon characters, the Town Docker...


The Fire Burning in the Bottle Cap Monster

The monster lives still.
