Street sign placing the spherical republic in the 2nd distict of Vienna, 1 Anti-Fascist Place. The explanatory sign below reads: "Dieser Platz ist dem grossen demokratischen Revolutionsführer EDWIN LIPBURGER der hier begonnen hat, die ganze alte moral abzuschaffen und alle Korruptions - Formen unter jeder Maske zu bekämpfen und auszumerzen, gewidmet." Or, in English: "This place is dedicated to the great democratic revolutionary leader EDWIN LIPBURGER, who here began to abolish the entire old moral and to fight and eliminate all forms of corruption whatever masks they may be behind."
2007-12-04 13:17
Despite his struggle against in his mind oppressive authorities, and despite placing the republic at "1 Anti Fascist Place", in a sublimely ironic way, the flag of the Republic Kugelmugel looks like nothing as much as the old Nazi flag, with the swastika replaced with a picture of the round Republic's sole inhabitant.
2007-12-04 13:13
Edwin's shit list. The left is a proclamation that Dr. Helmut Zilk's honorary citizenship in Kugelmugel is revoked due to treason etc. The text is too rambling to warrant translation, and should be experienced in its native German anyway for maximum effect. The right lists more of Zilk's sins against the Republic of Kugelmugel.
2007-12-04 13:19