Rain Over Hägerstalund
Support Ukraine

Rain Over Hägerstalund

While walking toward the hill from which I planned to shoot Kista Science Tower from a distance I noticed a nice raincloud in the distance. When the sunset peeked out from underneath it turned from nice to beautiful. I started shooting it with my 55-200 tele, then switched to the 18-55 wide angle lens and finally ended up using the 10-20mm ultrawide. Through all of this I failed to draw the obvious conclusion about what was about to happen: If a rainstorm is getting bigger, it is most likely heading towards you and you are about to get soaked.

I was still in happy denial when the first raindrops hit, but soon they started coming in force and I just ran back to the nearest overpass to wait out the shower.

2014-06-15 21:41


A little balloon about to be hit by a big downpour.

2014-06-15 21:47


The colors are not the result of some funny white-balance setting. The low sun and the rain caused the whole world to turn red.

2014-06-15 21:51


2014-06-15 22:05


2014-06-15 22:12
