Lainzer Tiergarten 2
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Lainzer Tiergarten 2

A visit to the Lainzer Tiergarten. The most frightening thing about this visit is that the boars have become completely unafraid of people. During my first visit here I sat, waiting for the evening light, and saw a pair of boars come out from the trees about fifty meters away. I slowly raised the camera, but that movement was enough for the boars to panic and shoot off at maximum speed.

This time it was different. The boars were not only walking around quite openly next to the roads, they didn't even make a token attempt at avoiding people.

As darkness fell and I made my way back to the park entrance I kept hearing boar noises from the woods. Suddenly, a sow and her piglets ran across the road - with one piglet getting stuck at the edge of the road. I stopped, not wanting to get between an adult boar and her young. Eventually, the little one got itself unstuck and ran off.

About a hundred meters later, I learned that while you should remain still when a boar charges you, this is easier in theory than in practice - but it can be done.