The KunstHaus Wien[a] is a gallery dedicated to the works of Friedensreich Hundertwasser. It was designed by Hundertwasser and has a standing exhibition of his works on the two lowest floors. The two uppermost floors house various exhibitions over time.
The entrance to the KunstHausWien. On top of the building flies the Koru Flag[b], an alternative flag for New Zealand designed by Hundertwasser. It includes the spiral, one of Hundertwasser's trademark shapes (if not the trademark shape):
The spiral is where lifeless matter is transformed into life.
This water-spiral is found in the lobby. The water is pumped upwards along the spiral to fall from it's peak at the center. Similarly, the stairwell is built so that the spiralling stairs are centered above the water-spiral (although the stairs twist in the opposite direction going up).
An example of the undulating floor that Hundertwasser considered to be "a melody to the feet".
Some Hundertwasser links and buildings that I found while writing this entry:
Hundertwasser House "Waldspirale"[c] in Darmstadt.
Blumau[g], a resort designed in the style of Hundertwasser's "Rolling Hills"[h] pattern.
http://www.kunsthauswien.com/ | |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koru_Flag | |
http://www.darmstadt.de/en/sights/hundertwasser/index.html | |
http://www.kunsthauswien.com/english/kindertl.htm | |
http://archiguide.free.fr/PH/ALL/Fra/FrancfortKitaHeddernheimHun.jpg | |
http://archiguide.free.fr/AR/hundertwasser.htm | |
http://www.blumau.com/ | |
http://www.blumau.com/25387_DE-Blumau-Startseite-Hundertwasser-Designhotel-Kunsthotel-Thermenresort-Bildergalerie-Bild-2.61EAF725504da08f38c10744c0b8d2fdb7d197a |