Shiny New Toy
I've been playing with the idea of getting a GPS so I can geocode my photos for a while. When I finally got the Google Maps mashup to work, I decided it was time.
So I ordered a Foretrex 201[a] from[b] (good price: 179 EUR when RRP is $182 in the US and street price here in Vienna is EUR 249), downloaded GPSlib4J[c] (GPS interface library for Java), RXTX[d] (serial port library for Java) and Exiv2[e] (image metadata editor), and bolted together an application to import the tracklog from the GPS and use it to geocode images imported from the camera.
The results were good - although it took a little time to get the GPS to play nicely. If you hover over any of the images below you'll see a little globe icon pop up. Click on it to see where the picture was taken. Update 2011-12-12: Click through to the image page, or select "Map" in the top right of the page.
Taken from the Donauinsel. Geocode agrees - sort of - Google maps places me in the water by the shore when using satellite imagery, but right when using the "Map" view.
Spot on geocoding places me in Leopoldau, at the northernmost end of the U1 subway line.