label:usa_2017 (1 - 7 of 7)

label:usa_2017 (1 - 7 of 7)

Living Memorial Sculpture Garden

An outdoor gallery of sculptures honoring US and allied veterans.

2017-10-01 - #USA 2017

Crater Lake

Crater Lake is, as the name says, a lake in a volcanic crater.

2017-10-01 - #USA 2017

Sacramento River Headwaters

The headwaters of the Sacramento River.

2017-10-01 - #USA 2017

Castle Lake at Night

Wating the Milky Way and testing my new camera setup.

2017-10-01 - #USA 2017

Heart Lake

A small lake above Castle Lake.

2017-10-01 - #USA 2017

Hedge Creek Falls

Small falls.

2017-10-01 - #USA 2017

Road Six

A brief stop on the way north to Mt Shasta.

2017-10-01 - #USA 2017