label:game (1 - 10 of 12)

label:game (1 - 10 of 12)

Kerbal Space Program

What is more fun than to build your own rocket, crew it with a trio of little green men, and launch it into outer space? For us moon program nerds, this is as close to a heaven on Earth as we get in front of our computer screens.

2013-02-18 - #Kerbal Space Program - #game - #review

How to Remove the Virtual Cockpit in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

How to go from Microsoft Dashboard Simulator to Microsoft Flight Simulator.

2023-03-23 - #game - #MSFS2020 - #tech


links. Darwinia label:game label:review

2005-04-25 - #game - #review


So you are a mentally ill girl who beats up her enemies with her over-starched straightjacket arms, and has the power to project her hallucinations into reality. A review of Lylian by Pixelpickle Games. The game is a side scrolling action platformer

2010-12-01 - #game - #review

Portal 2

[b] Portal 2 label:game label:review

2011-05-25 - #game - #review

Alice: Madness Returns (American McGee's Alice 2)

A great game that is brought down to "barely passable" by some very poor decisions by its creators. A pleasure to look at, but a pain to play.

2011-06-18 - #game - #review

Offensive Maneuvers

On being an offensive, politically incorrect bastard.

2011-07-15 - #feminism - #game

Playing or Obeying

Playing or Obeying label:game

2011-07-15 - #game


A wonderful little game that is easy to pick up, fun to play, and incredibly addictive.

2011-12-22 - #game - #review

Monster Island

A worthy successor to Fragger and a good game in its own right.

2011-12-22 - #game - #review

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