label:as3 (1 - 4 of 4)

label:as3 (1 - 4 of 4)

Notes on Flash and ActionScript 3 Development

First impressions of using Flash and AS3 in anger.

2011-02-15 - #as3 - #development - #software - #tech

Worker and Consumers Design Pattern

A design pattern useful for resource loading in AS3 and other scenarios where memoization is used together with continuation-passing.

2012-09-04 - #as3 - #tech

ActionScript3 Number Buffers

Number Buffers label:tech label:as3

2012-09-21 - #as3 - #tech

An Example of Code Optimization for Performance

How performance optimizations usually proceed.

2014-11-12 - #AS3 - #Flash - #tech