Vazova Trail, Gara Bov, Bulgaria
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Vazova Trail, Gara Bov, Bulgaria

The waterfall was dry when we hiked the trail.

The waterfall was dry when we hiked the trail.

Vazova Trail

2021-08-16 15:10

Vazova Trail
Zasele, Bulgaria
Vazova Trail
Gara Bov, Bulgaria

Bulgaria 2021, Vazova Trail

After the waterfall there are poems by Vazov affixed to the trees. This one is a verse from To Nature (Към природата) from the collection Fields and Forests (Поля и гори):

After the waterfall there are poems by Vazov affixed to the trees. This one is a verse from To Nature (Към природата) from the collection Fields and Forests (Поля и гори):

Поклон на теб, природо, създанье необятно
на твоя свод лазурен, на твойто слънце златно,
на твойта вечна младост и вечна красота,
на всичко, що е в тебе божествено и тайно,
невидимо, кат бога, велико и безкрайно
    и равно с вечността;

Към природата[a]

In English, with help from Google Translate:

A tribute to you, nature, boundless creation,
to your azure vault, to your golden sun,
to your eternal youth and eternal beauty,
to all that is in you divine and secret,
invisible, like God, great and infinite
    and equal to eternity;

To Nature[b]

Vazova Trail

2021-08-16 15:24

Vazova Trail
Zasele, Bulgaria
Vazova Trail
Gara Bov, Bulgaria

Bulgaria 2021, Vazova Trail